fredag 31 juli 2015


How it is to be moose near humans habitat.
A group of moose met in the woods, they remembered about the good old days.

When the humans did not have built so many houses and roads where the mooses walked for generations. We could drink and bath from every lake or river we came across without meeting any humans. Or have toxic ponds in our areas where we mooses today exist.

Now adays when we walk in the woods we meet humans. Wich in the good old days were our terrotory. Like in Sweden inend of july and august the humans pick berrys. And now there are a lot of humans. Hmmm that realy stress us. And the humans dont have guns first 3 weeks in august.

But last week in august and september in north of Sweden they have their guns. Then is hunting season on us. Even in october in south part Sweden. Even mother with calfs they hunt. That is the season we realy try to avoid humans even thoes with guns.
But it is the same with other countries who has our brothers and sisters like Sweden. Hmmm humans are difficult creatures to live with. They create so many dangerous obsticuls for us.

But we mooses realise we are more powerful than humans. And we male mooses show our strengh when we compeet for an beatiful female moose. This realy inpress humans and make them feel respect and keep respectfull distance.
Haha we even bigger and stronger than them.
The dream were if we mooses were realy hugh so we could sit on the hunter weapons. would not that be great. And if we were hugh the would also not kill or serious injure us with their high speed cars. Or their cars get serious damaged in crashes with us mooses.
Our dream would be when we visit humans gardens, they find amusement in our visits. When we eat some fruit or berries in their gardens.

Well as an moose i have also an dream, just like humans.

torsdag 30 juli 2015


Our earth reminded us in Sweden in Gotenborg with an  miner earth quake on 2,5-3 on richterscale. That earth still control changes in nature either we like or not.

That earth can still cick butts even if countries are armed with nukes over their heads. And thoes countries with uranium waste pond wich are in open nature near human habitats and have lot of toxic ponds from different kind of mines should also be aware of when earth changes levels in nature in our countries thoes changes also creates toxic leaks from miner to bigger leaks into human habitats.

We already talk about acceptable level of toxin in our food and unborn babies inside an pregnant wimen. What toxic levels are alowed in our meat i realise are different depending if you are from Russia, India,Saudi Arabia, Turkey,Germany, Italy,Greece,Estonia,Lithuania,Serbia ,Usa, Japan,China,South Korea,South Africa,Kenya,Tanzania,Sweden,Norway,Finland, Denmark and England, few mentioned.

måndag 27 juli 2015


Finland is the darkgreen coulored country on map. Finland has 2 uranium mines. One in Sotkamo who 2008 leaked uranium waste into river and lakes near Russian border. 2:nd uranium mine is in Talvivaara also near Russian border and 2010 waste pond leaked uranium waste into river and lakes. Both leakage had weeks after ded fish in river and lakes near cities. And still today have high levels of bequrell meassured.
And on oposite side besides gulf of Bothnia now with high pressure from Rosatom, Vladimir Putin and finish goverment want to build an nuklear plant. Despite of Fukushima and Japans populations reactions and result of Tjernobyl in severel countries.
I understand why Finland dont get any new investors. People are looking for nuklear freezones and free from toxic poluted habitat from gazdrilling . And thoes are found in north part of Sweden. We have foreigners with their buissness from Russia,Japan, Usa and Canada and so on. 
Sadly more politians borgeous politians thinks nuklear power is cheap to have and safe. Old way of thinking and people not learning from serious disaster like Ukrane, Japan and Russia, they have become speed blind in their political agenda.
The question is now how much of Russian population tax money are Vladimir Putin ready to sacrifice and have IMF an limit on Rosatom's started projects of nuklear plants around europe. Cause arabic area are Rosatoms nuklear plant built according to much shorter time plan. Some unfinnished building of european nuke plants are over 10 years old. Are Pyhäjoki nuklear plant going to be unfinnished too. And if one sums up all unfinnished buildingproject how much benefits from IMF and ECB makes their profit in total ? But it also costs eu tax payers a lot of money to no use for eu members countries. More of economical burden, but big profit for russian owners.

And if that not makes an even bigger political gap between Russia and other countries, by russians own choice, as i see it.The question is does russian population agree with the way Rosatom and Vladimir Putin deal with european building of nuklear plants ? From an buissness point of view. Cause with todays electric prices the investors loose lot of money rather than make an profit. And rosatoms plans to use an alreday used reactor to Pyhäjoki they dont see an issue in,but we european does. Of experience from different kind of reactor accident and and issue with older reactors in different parts of the world.

lördag 25 juli 2015


Now it should be summer temperatures in july but we got few days with sunny weather and when you have breakfast out in this weather after days of raining. You dont notices all the mosquitos that turns up. Well we sweeds living up in the north. After an hour then itch like madness and your face lights up with redspots. That is realy anoying. But with this heavy raining mosquitos and grass area becomes wetlands one has just to get used to their existances. And get outdoors mosquito net. 
But one realise their is an serious change in climate with flooding or drought. We cant just accept it,more adjust and speed up the nature envirometal friendly inventions products and get them soon as possible on market. specially thoes nuke countries like RUSSIA, USA, CHINA and INDIA. But also Japan Brazil and so on.

tisdag 21 juli 2015


To be Japans primeminister cant be easy for Shinzo Abe and Japan goverment. After earthquake hit Fukushima one would think to be carefull what kind of deals one makes.
Japans goverment has serious trouble with big amount of leakage from Fukushima nuclear reactor strait into sea. But Russian Rosatom found an sulotion to that made Fukushima reactor to a big ice popcicle. So so good so far,isn't.

But to boost Japan and join forces literly their army started to train together wich made North Korea and China misslike.
But also made an deal with Japans goverment about oil and gaz drilling on the ilands China and Japan argue ownership about. But sad and done written deal it was and Bush and Cheney got their wish come thru. But with some wishes becomes nightmares for other.

For over one year ago staff noticed leakage from frozen popcile into sea with high radioactive water. And near by Bush and Cheney company drills for oil and gaz. Blows up gaz with 18 different kind of chemicals underground to bring up gaz to surface. And some chemicals dont mix.And drilling oil vibrates a lot too. So one realise untill next earth quake near Fukushima no acute mode, but still high radioactive water from nuke reactor still leaks into sea. And one realise after some time of constant leakage Japan has an serious enviromental issue. But the question is who is going to pay for creating cracks in the high radioactive popcicle? Russian goverment&Rosatom or Usa&Bush and Cheney ?

lördag 18 juli 2015


Thoes greeks who now looses their homes in this big fire, they have my biggest empathy. This is going to have an negative economical inpact in their life.
Now must Angela Merkel,IMF and EU realise they are not in need of more loan. They are in need of economical benefit and economical benefit to foodpackages. Lower salaries and pension cant be put to an reality without any social security net. There is enough windowers who left their children to SOS childrens villages and police, sens the first round of Greece crise.

fredag 17 juli 2015


Russias cute president Vladimir Putin seem to have the focus on space. When Russia should instead be focused on the enviromental issues they have had for years, where their population have been effected.Specially in mind i have the village in south west Sibiria where Russias enrichment plant are.Their uranium leakage to village river year 2000. They have an serious enviromental situation and keep on incrising their nukes.  Where is the planes for comming generation russians ? Is that why the reason he need to speed up space agent development for the radioactive spread has expanded futher ?

And Russias weapons without uranium or with uranium are not of the enviromental friendly kind. But cute Vladimir Putin makes interesting prioties for Russia, that for sure. He is not a boring man.

lördag 4 juli 2015


For some years now it has been lot of flods around the world. One realise we have to change to save what left for our children the comming generations. But also realise mother earth are making some changes and we have to respect the changes she prewarns about.
We have to start and our children will continue our work, isn't that what we work for and create safe homes for. Their leagacy.