tisdag 21 juli 2015


To be Japans primeminister cant be easy for Shinzo Abe and Japan goverment. After earthquake hit Fukushima one would think to be carefull what kind of deals one makes.
Japans goverment has serious trouble with big amount of leakage from Fukushima nuclear reactor strait into sea. But Russian Rosatom found an sulotion to that made Fukushima reactor to a big ice popcicle. So so good so far,isn't.

But to boost Japan and join forces literly their army started to train together wich made North Korea and China misslike.
But also made an deal with Japans goverment about oil and gaz drilling on the ilands China and Japan argue ownership about. But sad and done written deal it was and Bush and Cheney got their wish come thru. But with some wishes becomes nightmares for other.

For over one year ago staff noticed leakage from frozen popcile into sea with high radioactive water. And near by Bush and Cheney company drills for oil and gaz. Blows up gaz with 18 different kind of chemicals underground to bring up gaz to surface. And some chemicals dont mix.And drilling oil vibrates a lot too. So one realise untill next earth quake near Fukushima no acute mode, but still high radioactive water from nuke reactor still leaks into sea. And one realise after some time of constant leakage Japan has an serious enviromental issue. But the question is who is going to pay for creating cracks in the high radioactive popcicle? Russian goverment&Rosatom or Usa&Bush and Cheney ?

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