torsdag 30 juli 2015


Our earth reminded us in Sweden in Gotenborg with an  miner earth quake on 2,5-3 on richterscale. That earth still control changes in nature either we like or not.

That earth can still cick butts even if countries are armed with nukes over their heads. And thoes countries with uranium waste pond wich are in open nature near human habitats and have lot of toxic ponds from different kind of mines should also be aware of when earth changes levels in nature in our countries thoes changes also creates toxic leaks from miner to bigger leaks into human habitats.

We already talk about acceptable level of toxin in our food and unborn babies inside an pregnant wimen. What toxic levels are alowed in our meat i realise are different depending if you are from Russia, India,Saudi Arabia, Turkey,Germany, Italy,Greece,Estonia,Lithuania,Serbia ,Usa, Japan,China,South Korea,South Africa,Kenya,Tanzania,Sweden,Norway,Finland, Denmark and England, few mentioned.

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