tisdag 22 september 2015


Ocey when one sees dolphins in reality and on photos up here in Swedens sea area one start to wonder what serous climate issue makes them seek our seawater terrotory

If it were not for our winter season here in north we would gladly have this wonderfull creatures here.

Cause they spread such joyfull spirit to our coast areas. But sadly soon winter arrives in a cuple of months and with that also ice make it inpossible for them to be here. But one think i can say from my point of view have them here in icefree season moste likely majority of Swedish population would like.

But something have made this beatefull dolphins swim so far north all the way to Swedish coast line. Has it to do with toxic polution in their habitat ? Or an comming nature disaster soon comming so they seek safer sea areas untill danger is over ?

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