onsdag 16 september 2015


Fukusima is by now an wellknown disaster, but not forgotten . But our focus seem on humantary disaster in Syria now. 
Sadly this disaster is expanding rapidly and soon it's going to be on everones mind. Cause the countries closest to this on going disaster is going to be strongly effected. And now when Kim Jong-Un is starting again  nuclearbomb tests near sorth east part of North Korea.

North Korea in their test are in north east near coast witch lay near Jilin province in China, when thoes sizes of nuclear bombs test in blasts underground there will be cracks witch leaks out high radioactive substances. And when Kim does thoes kind of tests severel each year like this comming years ahead both sout east China and east Russia is going to be effected but also Japan are going to be surounded by radioactive leakage. 

Japan last hurricane and floods made more high speed on leakage from the inner core of nuclear reactor, witch contain exstreemly high radioactive water river into sea. Now staff have started to pour high radioactive water into sea, the beach next ot Fukushima.

They have measuring instrument beeping when they have to walk away from active work so they dont get too much radiation and new personal steps in. In some areas there is robots working cause there is to much high radiation. Rosatom froze Fukushima like an popcicle but before hurricane and flood came there apered cracks witch made high radioactive waste water from inner core leak out to sea. What is seems to be now this cracks have become wider and it leaks in higher speed. This is an on going disaster right infront of our eyes, it cant be handled. Cause no nuclear scientist have no sulotion how to handle such a disaster. So hugh barrels of high radioactive water witch contains total severel billion of liters witch no country can or want to handle. Because they have no way of treatment of such substance.
The only substance that can be handled is nuclear waste from nuclear plants in controled form. Witch in Europe goes to treatment plant in England in ships with bouble shell, in europe there is sea laws on that.But that also costs money witch is included in the prize for buy of energy cost for ordinary customers.

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