tisdag 29 september 2015


Now when Usa president Barack Obama made an deal with president Xi Jinping about Bush and Cheney's gaz and oil companies drill in China's ilands one realise that Bush and Cheney are an serous enviromental threat to surounding countries besides Fukushima on going disaster. And creating an toxic polution that also are speeding up the strongly reducing the common sealife around Japan,China, South Korea and North Korea.

So when countries around Japan and China get different spieces showing this kind of sign's. One realise Usa american oil and gaz companies are an hugh part besides Fukushima disaster creating an negative inpac on sealife.

The moste inportant question should be how we close up this hugh leaking timebomb that has to be tackeld besides fighting terror organisations. We have to do both at same time also or we loose a lot of ground areas in many countries where people would not be abel to live or exist. Witch creates more enviromental refugees to safer and nuclear plant free zones.

I hope Usa parlament get some common sens and not totally profit mad and see need of stoping Bush and Cheney's drilling in China's iland  not contributing to toxic poluting and killing off sealife around this ilands. But something good will come out of this hugh amount of sealife floating up on Alaska, Kanada and Usa west coast beaches as ded carcasses then population around his coastline reacts and their politians might listen to them and not totally on their political sponsor with their view on much profit as possibel at lowest cost as possibel as George W Bush mantra are permanent in all of Usa politians.

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